Liposuction is a dangerous action?
Liposuction is a surgery that involves the removal of localized fat in critical areas through special suction cannulas. Many patients believe that liposuction is linked to a high incidence of complications, sometimes even particularly dangerous as embolisms. This is because in the past the newspapers and television have reported cases of patients who had developed similar problems as a result of this type of intervention. In reality, although embolism can be considered among the rare specific complications of liposuction, the incidence today is extremely low thanks to the improvement of the techniques and tools that has had in recent years. The cannulas have become increasingly thin and the trauma that cause tissues is diminishing; international protocols execution of liposuction have been standardized in order to avoid complications due to particular infiltration techniques which allow to separate the fat from the blood and from the blood vessels before sucking it. Addressing a specialist serious and prepared the risks involved are therefore very similar to those of any other surgery!

Is there a difference between cosmetic surgeon and plastic surgeon?
The splits in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive two disciplines complement each other that are taught in the same graduate school lasts five years. The "cosmetic surgeon" as defined specialist THERE! Often they call themselves cosmetic surgeons doctors or specialists of other specialties who improvise in a job who have not studied in a real specialization course but learned by recycling some experience here and there and improvising in a branch of which have only partial knowledge. This is because the very basis of cosmetic surgery is represented by reconstructive techniques, without the knowledge of which you can get an overview of results that allows guarantees to 360 degrees and will be able easily even any unforeseen complications. The real question is: will you had heart surgery by your gynecologist or to the brain from your cardiologist? The answer should be pretty obvious, therefore, the same goes for cosmetic surgery of any kind: It PLASTIC SURGERY WITH THE PLASTIC SURGEON! Before you operate always make sure that your doctor is a specialist certified and recognized by the society official.

Is it true that breast implants have to be replaced every 10 years?
One of the most big misunderstandings regarding silicone implants used for breast enlargement is is the belief that go necessarily replaced every 10 years. The confusion on this topic is created because a few years ago most companies prodruttrici prosthetic assurance to patients a ten year guarantee. This meant that if within ten years after the prosthesis suffered damage independent of the patient, companies replaced free of the plant that had to be removed. This is clearly only in the event that problems arose, which required the intervention of replacement of the prosthesis. It is like any appliance, once the guarantee expired does not mean that this should be replaced but that simply is not any more covered by the cost of replacement. Nowadays, most of the most important companies of breast implants ensure a lifetime warranty accompanying the patient for the duration of the installations. There is no average time after which it is mandatory to replace the prosthesis. However, there are events that, of course, increase the probability that it is necessary to re-operate and replace the prosthesis as the onset of a severe capsular contracture, repeated pregnancies, wide variations in weight and serious injuries in the thoracic region. In any case an annual follow-up consistent with clinical examination and ultrasound ensures the early detection and possible non-surgical resolution of all the problems that may occur to load implants.

It 'true that Botox should only be used for wrinkles between the eyebrows, the so-called glabellar lines?
The indication given by the Food and Drug Administration (the 'American organization that deals with the regulation of food and pharmaceuticals) and the European Community was originally this. Recently, however, it has also been extended to the wrinkles around the eyes better known as "crow's feet" that are caused by the contraction of the orbicularis muscle. Currently, doctors use the botulinum toxin also for areas such as the forehead, the wrinkles of the nose and mouth, the neck. In the US alone each year are injected about two million doses of botulinum toxin for aesthetic purposes making this procedure the most ever performed every day in the world among all the practices of aesthetic medicine. Given the high number of treatments so the incidence of side effects is very low!

It is true that damage can occur because of Botox 'inexperience of who injects it?
Botox should be administered only by the hand of a physician who has expertise in precise plastic surgery and especially to know the anatomy of the face. Now more and more often other professionals perform this treatment: ophthalmologists, dermatologists, dentists and even, in cases incredibly serious, beauticians. The reality is that only in the hands of an experienced physician you can be calm and you can avoid damage and complications, however, should they occur, the plastic surgeon is able to address and solve effectively. You would do work to the brain from your gynecologist? The answer should make you think when you choose who to entrust your beauty.

What are the risks that we encounter with the use of Botox?
Most of the patients are convinced that the part in which is injected botulinum toxin can inflate or paralyzed. First of all the Botox NOT CASE NO SWELLING or increase in volume because it is simply a molecule dissolved in water (and therefore devoid of volume!) That acts by relaxing the muscles. Behind every wrinkle in fact there 'a contracting muscle that causes it. For example, the frontal muscle raises eyebrows causing the wrinkles of the forehead, the orticolare cause crow's feet around the eyes, the corrugator because the glabellar lines, and so on. But you have to know exactly where to inject, proceed with symmetry, use the correct doses, accurately know the anatomy and especially to be able to make a highly customized treatment because no patient is equal to another! With the right doses and injecting points strategically suitable results can be extremely pleasant and perfectly natural without causing paralysis function normally but leaving some parts of the muscles of facial expression so that will not take that aspect of "plastic" in which Hollywood stars They have become accustomed. The appearance of American fashion all fake and super pulled is now grossly outdated ... thankfully!